#seduction of mairon
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gingeragenda · 2 months ago
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ughtumno · 11 months ago
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real picture of mairon's first day as a bad guy
gothmog took it
also his expression kills me
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cilil · 2 years ago
Classic seduction of Mairon:
Big bad sexy Melkor steps out of the shadows, saunters over to a nervous little Mairon and reaches out to touch his cheek, whispering, "I've watched you for a long time now, little one, and couldn't resist your beauty anymore... why don't you meet me outside Almaren at midnight so I can show you everything I can give to you if you agree to be mine...", while leaning in to let his cold breath tickle the shy Maia's ear. Unable to get a word out and blushing so brightly that he outshines the furnace behind him, Mairon barely manages a nod and receives a pleased smirk in return
Alternative seduction of Mairon:
A very nervous Melkor teleports right into the doorway, only to hit his head because he miscalculated, nearly falls over his own feet, smiles awkwardly and leans against the nearest workbench in a desperate attempt to look cool. "So, uh..." he starts, nervously glancing at some smudged writing on his wrist, "I, uh, think you're really pretty and was wondering if you'd... um... like to talk about power and... stuff... sometime..." and then Mairon walks over with the sexiest, sassiest hip swing the poor dork lord has ever seen, causing him to sweat profusely, stands in front of him, grabs himself a handful of Vala ass and says, "Make it a date and I'm in, babygirl"
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lvsifer · 11 months ago
the sweet & talented @cilil tagged me on WIP Wednesday, so have a lil snipped from the next chapter of my Paul x Feyd fic <3
Feyd-Rautha lies down on the bed, closes his eyes and thinks of the boy. Reflected red light slashes the tenebrous room in half, a laceration that cuts Feyd-Rautha off by the chest. He touches where the light warms his skin just above his seventh rib and dips his fingers between his costal arches. Here. He imagines Paul’s blade push inside. He moans. “Come to me, Atreides,” Feyd-Rautha murmurs into the empty room, then throws an arm over his face, bites at his own skin enough to bruise while his free hand sinks between his legs. What if the secret door opened and the boy came to him now? Feyd-Rautha imagines Paul’s lesser weight on top of him, spreading Feyd-Rautha’s thighs.
And ALSO, this super old angbang wip from...2016..........that I will finish...some day:
Yet in gloaming Melkor had once more returned, gargantuan and of-augury. A light had shone in his eyes, both fiery and frore. Naught of offering or promises foul, only this: his hand extended, and crackling along the whiteness of his skin, power. And Mairon had taken it. For what Mairon wants is not to serve. He wants to make. Suddenly he needs not pledge himself. Nil binds him, but his own will to power. Torn from slumber, he for the first time sees, and stares into the depths of the world. And deeper than woe or servitude, cradled in igneous rock, lie his own blackening desires, clamouring for eternity. And eternal shall they be.
tagging: @sauron-kraut (i know cilil also tagged you but still <3), @jamlocked, @liesmyth, @saintstars, @crackinthecup, @curufiin @theskeletonprior
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solmarillion · 1 year ago
eönwë: i can fix mairon, i can fix him- melkor: joke's on you bitch, i can make him WORSE
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tulireboi · 1 year ago
This death will be art
General Audiences
Fandoms: Silmarillion, Tolkien Legendarium Relationships: Morgoth/Sauron Characters: Morgoth Bauglir, Sauron/Mairon
It’s because of him, isn’t it? Mairon allows himself a moment to simply stare at the fire, Mairon’s — Aulë’s forge burning hot as nothing else on Arda can. Yet its heat is only a fraction of that which he witnessed, if only briefly, from Melkor — eyes of molten lava, words of wrought iron, malleable and easy to twist into whatever the listener wants to hear. And oh, how his words are exactly what Mairon has yearned for.
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mai-sau · 2 years ago
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I was given a heart before I was given a mind A thirst for pleasure and war, a hunger we keep inside We fell from sky with grace, and life gave us a sweeter taste You can drink, you can feast There's beauty in your beast.
a seduction of mairon/angbang playlist (listen here on spotify!)
eng translations for diablo, ana le habiby
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winds-of-zephyr416 · 3 months ago
The part of the Silm they don’t want you to know about: Melkor’s horrible, awful, no-good pickup lines.
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saintstars · 6 months ago
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Melkor returns to find his Lieutenant has taken his throne
I reread Do You Think Me Mad? and couldn’t shake this image from my head
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gauntletgirlie · 5 months ago
A falling star / fell from your heart / and landed in my eyes
I screamed aloud / as it tore through them / and now it’s left me blind
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Art from @gratuacuunart
And in the dark / I could hear your heartbeat / I tried to find the sound
But then / it stopped / and I was in the darkness / so darkness I became
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Art from X
I took the stars from my eyes / and then I made a map / I knew that somehow / I could find my way back
Then I heard your heart beating / you were in the darkness too / so I stayed in the darkness with you
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Art from @ramifonverg
The stars / the moon / they have all been blown out / you left me in the dark
No dawn / no day / I’m always in this twilight / in the shadow of your heart
Lyrics: Cosmic Love by Florence and The Machine
My first foray into angbang, I hope I’m doing this right.
The first time I heard this song as a teenager, I immediately thought of Mairon singing it about Melkor because I am a massive nerd. I can’t listen to it and not think of them now.
I wish I was an artist so I could draw them both to this song, but alas I am not, so I have chosen some amazing art work I found that matches the vibe anyway.
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trash-ainu · 2 months ago
So I was browsing through stuff I saved on my phone, and I found screenshots of some incorrect quotes generator I was sending my friends, and suddenly, I saw amongst them---
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smeedlesfrogfood · 6 months ago
saumikser on nagu vanapagan ja kaval-ants kui pideva kaklemise asemel kaval-ants oleks olnud nagu "tead, tegelikult sul on õige point" ja oleks temaga liitunud
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sauron-kraut · 1 year ago
[flicking through papers]
... blacksmith, lieutenant, dark lord, ...*gasp* suspicious blacksmith in disguise... advisor... priest, necromancer, even DARKER lord!
Truly impressive CV and level of multiskill you got there, [banging fist on table] YOU'RE HIRED!!
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eggxeggxegg · 2 years ago
My headcanon is that Melkor was hardcore pining over Mairon, but was sure Mairon hated his guts. But Melkor was so lonely he decided to sneak into Almaren to meet Mairon by disguising himself and concealing anything he thought ‘wasn’t right’ about him. So in the end he looked quite plain and unassuming.
What if what initially caught Mairon’s eye was stemmed from concern for how pathetic Melkor-in-disguise looked? Like, there was a scrappy and hungry quality Mairon perceived from him that Mairon mistook as being abused and neglected. Like, Mairon could tell Melkor-in-disguise had snuck into a place he wasn’t welcome, was generally pretty miserable, and that Mairon was the only highlight in his life, and it was assumed that he must be a poorly treated servant of the Dark Valar.
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tolkienpinupcalendar · 3 months ago
Sluttiest Tolkien Character: FINAL ROUND
Sauron (Silmarillion) vs Finwe
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Propaganda below the cut ↓
multiple flirty court twink phases in different courts….and let’s knot forget his werewolf phase
Annatar isn’t called “stupid sexy sauron” for nothing!!!!
is described literally as having "seduced" two men to do his bidding (ar-pharazon and celebrimbor) and was seduced in turn by morgoth. he's being passed around middle earth.
i mean. come on.
He was seduced by the mightiest vala and, after his sugar daddy ended up in jail, he decided to seduce his way into power. He destroyed and entire civilization and made God™ change the geography of the world just by seducing one guy, who ended up "infatuated by him" (Tolkien's words, not mine). How can anyone compete with that? 
Come on, it’s Mairon. Sexiest Maia on Middle-Earth and described as beautiful and seductive more times then Luthien herself. 
He’s a seducer! He has seduced so many people throughout the series
#there is only one Sluttiest Character™#and he does not share power
Listen...I wouldn't fuck him, but he's the only canonical elf who could reasonably be accused of sluttiness, LaCE compliant
The only elf to canonically have two spouses. Also, the dude had five kids when all the other Unbegotten Elves had 1-3 (Elwë & Luthien, Ingwë & Ingwion. Olwë had 3 kids). Also also, he basically let his kids do whatever they wanted, even withholding a scolding when Kid #1 pointed a sword at Kid #3. It seems like Finwë just had kids for the sake of Doing The Do with his wife and having a big family for no canonical reason.
Literally petitioned the Valar to change the law to allow him to marry again
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#the gods literally rewrote elven law because of this guy's dick. cmon. #he couldn't keep it in his pants to save his (or miriel's) life
#he changed the history of the elves by not being able to leave his d in his pants #like he didn't have some special power or a world changing plan he just wanted to do the deed lmao
#channeling my inner valinorean aristocrat hearing of the noldor king's scandalous remarriage for the first time and voting finwe
#guys PLZ finwe was the first slut he invented it
#we gotta respect the OG #known mostly for fathering kids with multiple women?!
#i barely go here and dven I know finwe deserves this
#if he hadn't been that big of a slut the silmarillion never happened they way it did
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abomination-unto-nuggan · 3 months ago
Seduction of Sauron
Melkor: I think we can be evil. As a treat.
Mairon: We?
Melkor: We. :)
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